I workout daily but without my diet, I know I won’t achieve the results I need. Because of this I place needed importance on foods that produce better heart health and stamina. Foods that contain high fiber, healthy fats and lean proteins are the most important.

Examples of foods that meet my need include almonds, fresh no preservative peanut and almond butters, avocados, steel cut oatmeal, and of course lots of green vegetables.

I always avoid saturated and trans fats found in fried foods and most dairy products.

For lean protein, I focus on grilled or baked chicken breasts, no skin white turkey meat, and salmon which also contains heart healthy fats.

I always start my morning with a high fiber, lean protein meal and a combination of vitamins and supplements.

These choices have enabled my cardiovascular condition and produced a healthy mind and spirit while keeping my body conditioned for a consistent, strong daily workout.